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Friends, Family, and Loved Ones

        1997 In Review

This has been a busy year at our home. Mark played on the High School freshman football team. Aaron has been recognized by an honor society for his accomplishments at SaddleBack college. Tara started her first job, as hostess at the Chili's Restaurant. We have also under taken some major remodeling of the house, with new carpet, new paint, removing the old cottage cheese ceilings, laying ceramic tile in the entry, dinning room, and kitchen. And much more. Kathy has complete recoved from the seizure he had several months ago and finally got her drivers license back. Alan complete 2 genealogy data book and made several sales.

        Looking To 1998

The new year, and with the new century around the corner, is a year full of hope and bright new possibilities. We wish you all the very best.

This newsletter was made by Tripod member alanjones.